Friday, January 23, 2009

Erections; Dommes; Gor.

1. Sailor Jim On the Subject of Penises is brilliant. And required reading if you find yourself needing to describe erect penises. Terms like ‘throbbing,’ ‘pulsing’ and all other variations of this nature make it sound as if the silly thing had a blood pressure cuff wrapped around it. ‘His fleshy organ quickly surged into full alertness, throbbing and pulsing and otherwise scaring the shit out of him.’

2. The blog Hot Female Dominant Utopia has reminded me I need to find more things like that to watch/read/absorb. Shut up, it's totally a coincidence I found that blog.
Yeah. So: say I was in the mood for Gorean atmosphere, not in the "I wish to choke on stilted prose now" sense but just the skimpily-dressed D/s-ish society, and aditionally my mood called specifically for female Dominants. Shut up. Anyway: what would you suggest? There must be films and books and fanfics that would meet that need, right?

[Incidentally, still the best paragraph about Gor ever, found via that last link, from Bitchy Jones: And yeah, Gor is easy to take the piss out of, but the real truth is that deep down in my heart I know that if I were a male dom I would fucking love Gor to tiny bits. I would be in those chat rooms wanking and sweating and wanking some more while some middle aged housewife going through an identity crisis talked about herself in third person whilst pretending to serve me a mythical drink.]

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